Inspired by a friend's photo-a-day project. (Not that I need a reason for photographing whatever strikes my fancy.) Also, an invitation to more often observe and consider what unfolds daily.
This week's vegetables from the farmer: okra, squash, carrots, purple hulled peas (a cousin of black-eyed peas) and a cucumber. I wish I was more fond of okra - there's a lot of it.
I know this is going to sound strange, but I'm going to miss this box. I've enjoyed looking at it since we were packing. I guess eventually we'll have to try the wine. (This was one of the boxes we got from another couple after they moved.)
Last week the arch in this photo was missing its top. It's the 400-foot tall "signature arch" of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge that will connect downtown and West Dallas. Santiago Calatrava is the designer. We can see this from the side of our office building that faces the meeting of several highways called "the Mixmaster."
I discovered recently that there are red varieties of crape myrtle trees, and though I'm fond of the many shades of white, pink and purple that are more common, I really like the red ones too.
In January I began taking classes in Improvisational Tribal Style belly dance. These are the coin scarves we wear to practice. This kind of scarf is really more for "shiny" dancing, but the jingling does let you know if you're moving! ITS is a group-based dance where you follow a leader, and the lead switches between dancers. After basics class and intermediate (a challenge, but the teacher encourages a friend and I to stay) I watched the start of the performance group's practice. When the teacher yelled, "anyone need to borrow a sword?" I chuckled - that's not something you hear every day!
I thought a curb was a strange place for a child to put a big sticker, but when I got closer I realized what it was. I had never seen stickers from Storm Water Management before - NO DUMPING * Drains to Creek.
The crape myrtle in our yard isn't blooming yet, so I had to venture down the street to see these. This one has just begun. Some are so full of flowers you can't really see the leaves.
This is Lightning, Jen and Tom's new next door neighbor kitty. They call him "Larry" though, because he looks like Harry, another tuxedo cat down the street, and they thought he was Harry until his owner identified him.
This house in our neighborhood is for sale. It has really great curb appeal, but what always draws my attention is the wreath on the door. (So - bonus photo today.)
I'm drawn to Turtle Creek because it's beautiful in all kinds of weather. Yesterday when I was running errands I swung by the "hole at the end of the world" and saw this egret walking near its edge. I felt lucky to get the shot - it flew off shortly after that.
It's already apparent that it's going to be a hot, humid summer, and I'm not too excited about that. However, that kind of weather does make for beautiful cloudy skies.
Thursday night at yoga I saw a dental hygienist friend I hadn't seen since before I got braces and she that they are pretty. Though I haven't felt too self-conscious, lately wearing lipstick has made me feel a bit clownish. Claudia's compliment shifted my perspective, so I decided to celebrate by sharing a self-portrait.
It took some work to remember where I saw this tree, but I found it again this afternoon. It's a mimosa, which I always thought would fit into Dr. Seuss' world very well. My great Aunt Marge had one next to her driveway, which was two gravel tire tracks amongst the grass on a fairly steep hill. Most of my life she drove a 1971 Ford LTD (a huge car), and I remember how amazed I always was that she could inch the car into the garage.
This is from the packaging of rechargeable batteries for the Wii game controllers. The instructions were obviously written by a non-native speaker of English. Some of them are not only unclear, but also a bit disturbing: I'm not sure I really want to know what they mean by "organic substance!" I do like the imagery of "straight of sunshine" though.
I had heard before that there are still areas in Dallas that are "dry" in regards to alcohol. In those areas if a restaurant serves alcohol it has to operate as a "private club" and you have to become a member to have a drink. The gastropub where we had dinner is such a "club" (or, speakeasy, as we joked) that has dozens of beers on tap. This is a photo of the inside of the light shade above our table - hammered brass.
This time last week we were at The Granada, a great old theater in our neighborhood that features live music and sometimes movies. We saw John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting do a solo acoustic performance, and he shared stories of how some of the songs came to be. The Granada sends photos taken by its staff if you give them your e-mail address - pretty cool, since it's not easy to take photos in a theater!
This is part of the burnt-up shopping center, which had great stone and brick decor. Even braced by the metal supports, it's still lovely. To see the charred and fallen remains of the building through the broken windows is both beautiful and sad.